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Name Necklace Birthstone

We all have birthdays, and we celebrate them in different ways. We also have friends born in different months, and perhaps the norm is to present them with gifts. Despite this, has anyone ever thought of giving gifts based on one’s birthstone?

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Thankfully, with the emergence of contemporary jewellery it is quite possible to do this. The jewellery in question is the name necklace birthstone, a type of neck jewellery that is embellished with the use of birthstones. Considering that there are birthstones for virtually every month, there is really no excuse why one should not rock any of these pieces. Some people have found a way to rock these birthstones, regardless of the fact that just like everyone they have one birthday; by simply buying the different types of necklaces with the birthstones for each month. After this, they select the necklace with the birthstone that corresponds to the month. This is a fun way of accessorizing but still looking chic.

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While selecting the birthstone of choice, it is important to note that these birthstones do not usually blend well with necklaces made from beads. This is due to the fact that this presents a conflict of styles, resulting in a sloppy look. Rock a name necklace birthstone in any of the precious metals available, namely gold, silver, diamond and platinum. For people with sensitivity, it is important to ask the jewelers whether the metals are mixed to prevent severe skin-metal reactions as seen in some people. Secondly, the jewelers are also in a position to furnish a client with information as far as the purity of the metal is concerned. This is crucial because it has an impact on the cost of the necklace. While we all want to save on some bucks, it is wise not to be too stringent so that quality is compromised.

So, where on the name necklace birthstone are these additions made?

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There are numerous places where the birthstone may be placed. Usually, it is the client who chooses the location of the birthstone, although the jewelers will also advise on what is appropriate. Depending on the letters in the name, the birthstones may be placed on different strategic places to add that extra glitz. To infuse some creativity, names that contain the letter ‘i’ may be the location of the precious birthstone; by simply dotting the ‘i’ using the birthstone. Letters which have a tail in lowercase are also another creative way to add the birthstone, and examples of this include letter ‘g’, letter ‘y’ and letter ‘q’. This is because the tails provide a simple sweet way of incorporating the birthstone without trying too hard.

Another advantage of adorning the name necklace birthstone is that other additions may be made in the form of precious stones. The tricky bit about this is to remain classy since too many glistening additions may make the piece look brazenly overdone. In the same breath, if you decide to go for this look, ensure that your outfit is not too shiny as this will make you look like you are hungry for attention. Keep it simple and classy, which is the rule of thumb for such accessories. This is not complicated, although for new entrants into the fashion industry, this may be a tad overwhelming. To make it simple, clients should be aware that the more intricate the detailing, the more conservative the outfit should be. To ensure that the birthstones retain their sparkle, proper care of the necklace should be observed by avoiding exposure to harsh chemicals. If well taken care of, the name necklace birthstone lasts for years without the need to replace.

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