July Birthstone - Ruby
What is a July Birthstone?
July’s birthstone is no doubt one of the most popular birthstones/gems there is. With its vivid red to purplish red color, it is a gemstone that matches only the passionate and the fierce. The ruby with its red color has often been associated with deep love. The word “ruby” is from the Latin word ruber which means red. The ruby is a member of the Corundum family and is a close relative of the gemstone sapphire. It is the second hardest gem following the diamond and that makes it ideal for everyday wear. Burma and Thailand are known to be major sources of rubies of fine quality.
Fine-quality ruby is considered to be rare. The color of the gem is very important to its value, the most valuable rubies are those with medium, medium dark vivid red or slightly purplish red. The brightest and most valued Ruby color is often referred as a “Burmese Ruby” which indicates to Rubies that are a rich, full red color with a tint of blue. This ruby color is also known as “pigeon blood” red which is referring to the color is a white pigeon’s eye. These Rubies can only be found in the Mogok Valley mines in Myanmar. Large rubies are also more difficult to find compared to large diamonds, sapphires and emeralds so its value also increases with size.
What is the meaning of July Birthstone - Ruby ?
The gemstone ruby is said to reflect properties such as devotion, veracity, happiness and courage. It is believed to arouse the senses and ensures wealth, wisdom and definitely success in love. Also a symbol of vitality, royalty and is known to bring peace and contentment to the owner. It aids emotions, increases integrity, fidelity, as well as happiness and is said to even help in restraining lust.